Women in Wellness


Two of our favorite clients, Celebrity Cruises and OneSpaWorld, partnered together in 2021 to flesh out the wellness and beauty offerings onboard. Timed with the inaugural launch of Celebrity’s newest ship, APEX, the idea was to bring on major voices and influencers within the wellness and beauty world to design programs that reflected their experience and expertise.

We were called in to create premium video content that supported this campaign, including a sizzle reel that promoted the piece, filmed meditation and nutrition classes, and health tips and pointers from each of the celebrity experts.

What was remarkable about the shoot here was the sheer number of assets captured, of different types and formats (from interview to scripted to fly-on-the-wall), that not only built excitement for the program but also fleshed out the body of the program itself.


This was a two-part project, with one shoot taking place aboard Celebrity Apex during its inaugural cruise, and one taking place at a house near the port. The thought was to shoot them in action, teaching classes and doing their thing onboard, while mixing more formal elements like interviews and classes in the more controlled setting.

One of the things we spend the most time on when producing a shoot like this is how we can make VIP talent comfortable and put them in the mindset to collaborate. Apart from directorial voodoo, one of the key things here is just making sure the ship is tight and the crew are aces, and we had that as always.

It’s a good thing we were able to get them there, too, as the shoot had them running through a gauntlet of content. While onboard the ship, they were teaching classes, having roundtable discussions and VIP events. For the house shoot, we had them oscillating between conversational interviews, teleprompter lines, and digital classes.

And naturally, homes that overlook the bay and the port do not come easily. The entire house had to be carefully lined with cardboard. It was three stories, so moving equipment up and down was a tricky puzzle and again we were trying to shield our talent from the type of bustle we needed to apply to make this work. Thankfully we are pros at just that.

We shot everything on the list, there were happy vibes all around, and we were able to provide the brand with everything they needed in one project.


This project produced nearly 50 deliverables, featuring promotion material, classes, tips, interviews, and guided meditations. It has been the cornerstone content for the Women in Wellness initiative.

Artex was responsible for the directorial approach, the entire production, and all the post-production.

We’ve worked with both of these clients for many years, continue to do so, and are looking forward to the next project soon.